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Earn 25 points just by signing up, then earn 1 point for each $1
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DishCourse Friend
0 total earned points required
Earn 1x points for each $2 spent
Earn Points
Buy a ticket
Get 1 point for every $1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 25 points
Redeem Rewards
Flexible reward
20 Points = $1 discount
DishCourse Bestie
350 total earned points required
Earn 2x points
Earn Points
Buy a ticket
Get 2 points for every $1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 25 points
Redeem Rewards
Flexible reward
20 Points = $1 discount
400 Points = 25% off the lowest priced item in cart
DishCourse Family
700 total earned points required
Earn 2x points and attend one event for FREE!
Earn Points
Buy a ticket
Get 2 points for every $1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 25 points
Redeem Rewards
Flexible reward
20 Points = $1 discount
1,000 Points = 100% off the lowest priced item in cart